Sorry to disagree with you on this sam, but the way i see it TBO on XTRA2 was very popular then the new car/s came and interest logically dwindled.
Now to spark interest you have had some good events and have "toyed" with the TBO by adding different classes, but ultimately this is just a gimmick , which is obvious, represnted by the influx of visitors.
CTRA2 just needs to establish itself again as a place where clean good TBO racing can grow again. I'm sure i speak for an alienated minority ( long time TBO fans ) that have been subject to these mixed class ideas (which are fun but should be left for an event server/league) and the tweaking of the balancing in the TBO class that scawen has changed from LFS S2q-y.
What i do find surpising that you, seem to think the balancing has no effect ....
come on now .. even coming from the FWD side of the TBO table, i know for a fact that many XRT racers just stopped due to it being so far out.
Also id like to just add that its just not CTRA Race2 server that i see this problem of lack of TBO racers. Infact i see more that TBO has become split. XRT only servers RB4 only servers and of course FXO.
Im not saying that having the mixed server wasnt a good thing to try , maybe its a good start. I think also its the down to the cycle of LFS users , a cycle from old to new , the newer generation perhaps more more inclinded to racing the S2 cars
All i know that TBO has been on a steady decline for a while.